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Line Marking Services

Different Types Of Road Line Markings

Different Types Of Road Line Markings

Are you a safe and educated driver? If you think you are, then you probably are aware of what road-line markings are and what do different markings indicate. Whenever we talk about line marking in Sydney or anywhere else, we often talk about how crucial they are as far as safety and organization are concerned, but before that, the drivers must understand the markings only then it will be the most effective.

This is why for all those who are not quite sure about road marking, here we are going to shed some light on its different types to help them. Whether you are a driver or a property owner looking for a line marking service, this information is going to prove beneficial for you. Find out more below:

• Longitudinal Markings

The first and most common type of road line marking is the longitudinal markings. These are straight white or yellow lines that are meant to guide the vehicles towards the direction of the roads. This type of marking is generally helpful to prevent drivers from taking unexpected turns towards dangerous locations and to simply keep their movement smooth. These are either solid, broken, or double lines.

• Transverse Markings

Further, for your road line marking in Sydney, knowing about the transverse marking is equally important as any other. This type of marking is used across the carriageway to keep the traffic flow smooth and allow the vehicle to stop behind these lines with immediate effect for pedestrian crosses or any other action. These are made with broken lines and are comparatively wider than your longitudinal markings. Transverse markings are done where they are supported by corresponding signs.

• Hazard Markings

The next important road marking type to know about is hazard marking. As the name suggests, this is used for preventing any possible accident on the road, Hazard markings are done at locations where the traffic merges, or there are cross-overs, etc. This marking is usually done using yellow lines which are painted diagonally to be more catchy and alert the driver passing by that accident-prone area.

• Arrow Markings

Arrow markings that are used in highways and city roads are meant to make the drivers attentive of the mandatory turns ahead. These markings must be made precisely either using markings tapes, stencils, or marking machines. Arrow marking is essential not just for the road markings but for car park line marking for parking as well. In large parking spaces, arrows help the drivers make easy entry and exit from the parking space without getting lost. It saves time and effort of the drivers.


These above-mentioned line marking types are a few of the most common yet essential road markings that every smart driver should know about. Whether it is the main roads or the parking areas, line marking plays a huge role in it. And that is why you always need to hire a quality line marking service provider, one such as Kenex Stencils.  

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