Are you tired of trying out different websites to get to know about Angel Broking Back Office? So, here we envisage providing you the best out of it regarding Angel Broking Back Office, Angel Broking Login, it’s accessibility, security holdings and many more. But, before starting with Angel Broking Back Office, let’s have a short description about Angel Broking. It is one of India’s top stockbroking firms and was established in 1987 and extended its portfolio throughout India for 30 years.
Like various other full-service stockbrokers, it also has its back-office software known as Angel Broking Back Office which is easily available for its investors.
What is Angel Broking Back Office?
Put simply, the main objective of Angel Broking Back Office is to store all relevant information about a trading account. A user can choose to access such information anytime, anywhere using the internet. This software system fetches, analyses, and presents comprehensive but understandable information regarding all the transactions carried out in a trading account.
It’s very easy and quick to log in into the Angel Broking Back Office system. Here are a few easy steps that one should follow:
Go to “”.
Three options will be shown to log in to Angel broking back office.
NBFC Backoffice - Non-banking Financial companies BackOffice LOGIN OPTION.
Mutual Fund Back Office login option.
PMS- Portfolio Management System Back Office login option.
Choose the option on the type of the account you have with Angel Broking and feed in your username and password.
Angel Broking is one of the best stock brokers in India, Now when it comes to ascertaining the effectiveness of Angel Broking Back Office and Angel Broking Login, there is nothing better than looking at its features.
The back office system remains available 24x7
Extremely secured for transactions
Angel Broking has a name in the stock broking industry when it comes to using the latest technology and Angel Broking Back Office is in the same league.
User-friendly Interface – One doesn’t need to be tech-savvy to retrieve and navigate through the interface of this back office. However, you may take a bit longer to explore all the available options.
Fund options – The system displays all ‘Pay-in’ and ‘Pay-out’ transaction details.
Open position – It shows the placement of your stocks on the previous day for F&O, MCX and NCDEX. It doesn’t reveal real-time stock position. Any alteration in position today will be shown in Angel broking back office tomorrow.
Securities Payout – It shows all NSE/BSE holdings that are ready for payout marking.
Profile View – It displays bank details, PAN, correspondence address etc.
Last Auction – It shows the information about the last auction in your account.
E-Signer – It provides seamless access to the soft copy of all E-contract notes that are available only for ECN registered clients. To access the contract notes through Angel broking back office one would have to feed in client ID, password and 10 digits PAN card no.
DP (Depository Participant) Tran – It is meant to show 10 latest transactions happened in your account.
Based on its back-end research, it provides you different kinds of reports:
Share accounting reports:
BSE New basic report - It provides the 3 types of reports:
Client position - It is about BSE’s P&L, summary and global report.
BSE’s Levies report
Turnover Brokerage - summary of total turnover and total brokerage for a given period.
Delivery report - Angel broking back office has two types of delivery reports. They are NSE delivery report and BSE delivery report.
Position Report:
This provides reports about delivery position of stocks, ISCN code, DP Id, pool holding etc.
Branch wise Reports:
This provides auction bills, all data related to trade information, shows details of corporate actions related to Rights, Bonus, Dividend etc.
Major Benefits of Angel Broking Back Office:
Here we are going to highlight few advantages, you are going to experience while using it:
Help traders to keep a track of their progress and moves.
Reports are well structured and comprehensive.
Helps to take well informed and confident trading decisions.
In-depth research and analysis is received in the form of reports by the traders.
So far, we have seen that Angel Broking Back Office offers various advantages to its clients so that the traders stay tuned with their ups and downs and get a hand-to-hand report of their moves. This allows the traders to take necessary precautions and consult their brokers at the right time. Angel Broking is one of the top brokers in India and with this application, it adds pearl to the stone.
What types of reports Angel Broking Back Office provides?
There are different types of reports that can easily be accessed on Angel Broking Back Office.
Share accounting reports:
BSE New basic report – It furnishes the following 3 types of reports
Client position – It is related to BSE’s P&L, summary, and global report.
Position Report
Branch wise Reports
What is an open position in Angel Broking Back Office?
Open Position shows the positions of your stocks for the earlier day for MCX, F&O, and NCDEX. However, it doesn’t disclose the real-time position of stocks. This means any changes in the position of a stock today will become available in the app tomorrow.
How to log in to Angel Broking Back Office?
The process to Angel Broking App Login is: –
Register and get a demat account that get you client id and password
Download the app from your device from the store or from
Once downloaded, enter id and password available
After Login, you will be asked to create a 2FA password that you can use further.
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