Sometimes, muscle injuries and bone injuries can result in painful results. At some point, we do not know where the pain is coming from. Like many knee injuries, meniscus injury can be painful and rare, as it is quite common. The pain can be tolerable because the injury is not severe. Many of these main reasons may be Meniscus Injury.
What does Meniscus Injury mean? What are the treatment options? Which is one of the best meniscus Injury Treatment in Delhi?
What is Meniscus Injury?
A meniscus is an injury caused by a more common twisting extremity, such as football or tennis. It occurs in older patients who have a menstrual decline and are more likely to have meniscus when they turn.
What are the symptoms of a meniscus?
Initially, you may not feel any pain after the tear, even if you continue your game. But after a day or two, the knee will swell and become stiff. If the tear is long it may prevent your knee from bending properly and may close the knee. On the other hand, a small tear may just look like you have an unstable knee.
How can a meniscus injury be diagnosed?
When you go to the specialists, the diagnosis can be made physically and with the help of an MRI scan or arthroscopy. Arthroscopy is usually performed to check if the lateral meniscus has ruptured.
What is the treatment for a meniscus?
The first type of therapy for a meniscus tear is to avoid activities that can cause pain for a stable knee. Apply ice to your knee for 15 minutes at intervals of a few hours, lift the knee above the heart.
To reduce the pain and to protect the knee, you can use saliva with a leg cuff. It helps in moving and bending. Physical therapy takes you through exercises that can strengthen the hamstring muscles and quadriceps.
The meniscus is a surgery alternative to tears that cannot treat by the above technique. Surgical methods perform to remove partially torn tissue or to stitch back the torn tissue.
Once the surgery is done, adequate care should take to protect the knee. It could fix without any complication. The duration of treatment also depends on the age factor and the severity of the tear. Various medical equipment such as braces and crutches use to protect the area operated.
Where do you can treat it?
We hope this information is useful and helps you get rid of menstrual injury! You are advised to treat meniscus injury under the supervision of an experienced Sport Medicine Speculators specialist. The most certified specialist Dr Biren Nadkari is the Best Orthopaedic Surgeon in Delhi who has been known for Meniscus Injury Treatment in Delhi. He is a sports medicine specialist with vast experience in meniscus surgery for many patients. He has great patience and is one of the best doctors who cater to Meniscus Injury Treatment in India.
Ortho Surgeons are specialist knee surgeon who can assist with all types of knee injuries such as muscle sprains and strains, posterior cruciate ligament tear (PCL), anterior cruciate ligament tear (ACL), calf inflammation. They ensure that treatment is done with proper research and thoroughly.
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