Wedding cakes, now become a tradition at every wedding. People spend a huge amount of money on it. Some people use it to show off, or some just because of tradition. But, also some people who don’t want to spend lots of money on it. They just want to do a simple, and traditional wedding. And, somehow this is a good idea. Why should spend a huge amount of money on not so much important thing? If, you are also one of them, who wants to make it simple. And, also not want to spend lots of money on your wedding cake. Then, here some useful trick for you.
Make a Good Budget
The first thing, in which everyone does mistakes is the wrong budget. Firstly, you should make a proper budget. Then, divide the money among all the things decorations to food. Then, decide how much you have to spend on your wedding cake and other things. You should meet cheap and best bakery, and give him your preferences. In fact, you can go online also for the best wedding cake in Bangalore, at the cheapest price. For this, you should definitely visit once Bloomsvilla. They have an awesome range and quality.
Do Simple
Instead of going for a large and lavish wedding cake, make it simple. Order a simple cake as compared to another wedding cake & send flowers to delhi. Instead of ordering fondant cake, go with buttercream. I know, fondant cakes are prettier than buttercream cake. So what, buttercream cakes also look pretty and have excellent taste. When the texture of your cake will velvety, creamy and soft. Nobody will notice, it is a fondant cake or buttercream cake. So, mark these things while choosing cream.
Prepare Yourself
If, in your family and friends anyone knows how to make a cake. Then, it will be great, insist his/her to make a cake for your wedding. It will reduce your budget half, and the size of the cake also increases.
Size of the Cake
Instead of ordering a large cake, you can order a medium-size cake. You can order a cake according to your guest list. And, you can also do one thing. The cake you will cut doesn’t make it big, keep it small and order cupcakes for guests. It will be a great deal for you. By the way, people love to eat a cupcake instead of so much creamy piece of cake. And, the cupcakes will raise the standard of your wedding. Don’t cut a big piece of cake, keep it normal. Because nowadays, most of the people are health concerns. They, avoid eating lots of sugar and creamy food. In fact, nowadays, diabetes patients are also in great numbers. So, while ordering and distributing cake, remember all these things.
The icing of the Cake
We usually see wedding cakes are decorated with sugar flowers. Instead, of sugar flower go with natural colorful flowers. Trust me, it looks so nice, and it will not only enhance the beauty of your cake. But, also it will reduce your budget also. And, send flowers to mumbai will add freshness to your wedding cake.
Joint Cake
We usually see the groom’s side order their own, cake and bride side order their own cake. Instead of ordering a single -single cake, order cake together. After all, not only the groom and bride but also two families are going to be one. Then why not, both families can order a single cake for both, the groom and bride. It will not only reduce your budget. But also, it will show the unity of both families. So, you should definitely do this at your wedding.
A grand and lavish wedding is every bride dream and also groom. In fact, not only bride and groom but also their families dream. They try their best to make it lavish and grand. And you know what, sometimes people spend lots of money in useless things. I mean, if something they can get in 10 rupees, for this they spend 30 rupees. And, this is unnecessary to expenditure, which is not needed. So, spend money, try to make it best but don’t spend money unnecessary. Their day and life will be special by their family blessings and togetherness.
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