Service Desk Automation
Growth in an organization is inevitable, but as growth occurs it comes with two things. A lot of improvements and second issues with the system and employees.
In the sense of improvements, a new system is launching day by day, new apps, new systems, new equipment, new updates to the equipment. With all these employees faces tons of errors and a lot of adjustments with it. To handle such errors and issues quickly and with 100% success rate, without wasting time, you can automate the service Desk. How exactly can we automate the service desk? The detailed explanation as follows,
What is Service Desk Automation?
Modern Service Desk gives improves the services provided to the employees in a company. It gives employees a tool to fix their own problems, leading to faster solutions. They keep employees up to date on the status of their issues and problems. There are few examples of websites which offers services like “Chatbot” in the bottom right corner of the website which allows you to communicate with the business communication platform and the rest of the apps your employees are using. This particular function allows you to use service desk to function within your business communications platforms, preventing the intervention of any other 3rd party in between.
3 Service Desk Automation Use Cases:
Here are three automation use cases, a person can build separately to power up or level up the service desk of your company.
1. Respond to employees in real time.
Many times, a set of employees ask the same set of questions, from specifics around the organization’s holiday schedule or the process of bringing in vendors for the organization. To Answer such repetitive set of questions, you can use a chatbot facility to answer them and gather the relevant articles from your knowledge base and share it with the employee who asks for it. What you can do with the chatbot service or improved Service Desk Automation is, it can save ton of time of the industry as they do not have to answer questions of employees again and again. As well as it will engage the employees and their questions getting addressed, quickly. By implementing the It service desk automation you can save a lot of time to the employees and organization as the employer or the bosses will not have to answer the same set of questions again and again, and it will provide the experiences which will ease the difficulties employees are facing, keep them engaged- as they get questions addressed as quickly as possible.
2. Gather the feedback on ticket system:
When an employee is facing a particular problem, it can’t be solved by giving him/her the URL of article. They will likely to create or raise the ticket on the communication platform.
In this type of system, the user with the query engages with the chatbot on the website for solving the query. A short from is generated by the chatbot for the user to understand the exact problem of the employee in regarding of system. Bot understands the real problem and pushes the request to the main server side of the service desk.
In response,
The server-side bot pulls in the request and try to understand the query of the employee in depth and gives solution to the query and allows employee to look at the requests.
3. Gather feedback on your service desk at Scale:
The true meter of your service desk’s performance is the feedback it receives from the employees who use it. To collect employee feedback promptly and at scale, you can ask them for it right after they view their tickets or create one. For e.g., ABC uses slack services for his organization as he is the employee of the XYZ organization. He asks his query to the chatbot. His query triggers the workflow of the chatbot and creates the ticket in the system. Now here the question arises that whether did company and user get what they wanted?
If Yes, then the ticket will arrive on the server side of the channel.
If No, it will generate the mail with the feedback regarding the ticket.
Benefits and Limitations in service desk automation:
Various benefits in Service Desk Automation are as follows:
1. Eliminates the pointless paperwork.
2. Increases the productivity of service partners.
3. Enhances the technical utilization by making it possible for them to work even when there is no internet connection.
4. Curtails billing errors.
5. Minimizes the unnecessary costs by tracking the parts, technician time and labor costs precisely.
6. Reduces operational expenses by offering partners and customers with instant updates on work order status.
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