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Physical Therapy Exercises for Frozen Shoulder Philadelphia

Physical Therapy Exercises for Frozen Shoulder Philadelphia

The most pliable part of the human body is the shoulder, and it is responsible for the movement and rotation of the arm. When the shoulder becomes stiff and difficult to rotate, a condition called adhesive capsulitis, commonly known as frozen shoulder, might have occurred.

Frozen shoulder is a condition that occurs to people, especially women from the ages of 40 andabove, and the major symptoms are pain, stiffness, and inability to move the arm. It is, however, a common occurrence with athletes. How frozen shoulder develops is often unknown, but tissue inflammation has been identified as one of its principal causes. This can be due to confining the shoulder in the same spot for a long time due to surgery, injury, or stroke.

One of the effective ways to get rid of the frozen shoulder is physical therapy done by carrying out exercises that can loosen the stiffness of the shoulder and ease the arm's movement. And here's why we are here.

A number of our clients trust us as one of the leading physical therapists for shoulder injuries when pitching or when involved in several other activities that can lead to stiffness in the arm.

The following are effective physical therapy exercises for the frozen shoulder that can earn you relief in no time.

• Shoulder capsule stretch

Decide to stand or sit. Here, your unaffected arm is used to gently raise the elbow of the affected arm across your body. Remain in that position for 15 to 30 seconds. You can go over this procedure for as long as 10 to 20 times a day.

• Internal Rotation

This exercise would require an exercise band, which can be fixed on the handle of a door or any static household item. Pull the other end of the band with your affected arm tight to your body at a 90-degree angle. Remain in the position for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat this procedure for 10 to 15 days.

• External Rotation

In contrast to the previous procedure, hold the exercise band firmly with your arms placed tightly to your body. Your elbows should be at 90-degree to your sides. Turn the lower part of the arm outwards in either clockwise or anticlockwise direction (depending on the affected arm) for less than five inches. Stay in that position for 5 seconds. Repeat this procedure for 10 to 15 days.

• Pendulum stretch

Stand upright with your shoulders relaxed. Slightly lean over with your affected arm hanging down freely. Gently swing your arms in a back and forth motion such that it goes around in small circles. Do this in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions for efficient results.

• Armpit stretch

Stand upright in front of a shelf, breast-high. Place the affected arm on the shelf. Bend your knees gently to effect an opening up of the armpits. With caution, stretch your armpit and gently return it to a straightened position. Repeat the procedure, going a bit further than each one done. Do this 20 times daily.


The above procedures have been found out to be very effective, and they are in no particular order. Physical Therapy Exercises for Frozen Shoulder Philadelphia. Choose any you find convenient to start with. We wish you a quick recovery and healing.

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