Honey, as we all know, is a pretty common commodity used in our daily lives. Raw honey is used by people since ages as traditional medicine. This sweet and natural substance coming straight from the beehive is full of healthy elements like various antioxidants, bee propolis, healthy bee pollen and beehive. People more often than not believe that raw honey is way better than the regular honey. In supermarkets, much of the honey you see is pasteurized. The intense temperature destroys undesirable yeast, can enhance the shape and flavor, prevents any oxidation, and increases the expiration date. In the method, several of the essential minerals are also ruined. The major question on your mind will be, which is the best healthy honey to buy. Our advice will be to grab it from only a reputable regional manufacturer if you’re keen to try fresh honey.
Here in this article, we will be talking about the benefits of raw honey.
1. Fights Against Radical Damage
The powerful antioxidants that are packed in Raw Honey that fights against cell damage of any kind. The free radicals are basically the harmful agents that attack the cells of your body through the process called oxidative stress. Antioxidants fight against the electrons and thus keep the cells safe. The damage caused by free radicals is aligned with the inflammatory disorders, ageing and various diseases that include cancer. Honey can help in combating all these consequences.
2. Combating The Harmful Bacteria
Honey is very well-known for the antibacterial properties it has to offer. It has the ability of combating various types of bacteria that includes E. coli and salmonella. In traditional medicine, honey is known to treat various fungal and bacterial infections. During the process of pollen synthesis, hydrogen peroxide is deposited by the bees while creating honey which is a natural antiseptic. Honey has low water content and is a bit acidic, and this way, harmful microbes get cleared away.
3. Clears Cough And Sore Throat
One of the major benefits of honey is that it can soothe your throat. It is a pretty effective suppressant for cough and works like magic for all those with infections in the upper respiratory tract. Honey is great because of its anti-inflammatory powers and antibacterial properties. The viscous consistency of honey coats the throat by offering a soothing effect.
4. Improves Oral Health
Honey can help in fending off periodontal diseases and gingivitis. Its use is known for a great reduction in gum bleeding and plaque. Though this may sound odd as the sugary substances are not considered great for oral health. But the antibacterial property of honey is known for fighting off the tooth decays that leads to cavities.
5. It Boosts The Digestive Health
Raw honey is known as a prebiotic food. This means that it can nurture the good bacteria that lives in the gut. It also works great for ulcers and indigestions. The antibacterial property of honey makes it tough for the H. pylori bacteria to thrive. This bacteria is known to cause stomach ulcers.
6. The Blood Glucose Level Stays In Check
Despite the fact that honey is composed of fructose and glucose, honey is known to have a low glycaemic index. Thus honey has the potential of sweetening your food without causing any spike in the sugar levels. This makes it great for those with Type 2 diabetes.
7. Fends Off Various Diseases
Honey is rich in phytonutrients that contribute to the antibacterial and antioxidant powers that can boost your immunity. The inflammation and oxidative stress contribute to the cancers and cardiovascular diseases, and honey helps to prevent these diseases.
Any threats were here anyway,
Raw honey also can hold deadly bacteria like Clostridium botulinum, in contrast to using probiotics and vitamins. For infants, this is especially risky. A child just under a year young must never be provided, raw honey. There are, however, many confusions about where I can buy natural honey.
Botulism poisoning signs in babies can include:
Slow respiration; drooping eyelids; lack of puking; failure of head power dysfunction that propagates downward; stomach pains; tiredness; feeble cry.
Signs may involve a subsequent short moment of vomiting and diarrheic in grown-ups, accompanied by constipation and much more serious symptoms, like blurred vision and lack of strength of the muscles. If you encounter either of these signs after eating honey, consult a physician.
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