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4 Fundamental Tips to Build Muscle

4 Fundamental Tips to Build Muscle

Learn not to forget the tips of Brad Schoenfeld, the guy who is considered the 'Pope' of bodybuilding, and see how to gain more muscles!

Whoever follows the Fact of Iridium must have read about researcher Brad Schoenfeld. The guy studies strength training very hard and calls himself the self-proclaiming 'breaker' of fitness myths!

He is a legend, with more than 170 recognized scientific publications. All of them about the hypertrophy and weight loss process, studying not only the beginners, but people who train in a serious way as the readers of the Fact of Iridium. But now let’s show what we’ve learned from Brad’s studies. Check it out:

Consume 2.2g of protein per kg to optimize your muscle gains

This first is not a study of him, but we learn from his urges. The WHO indication for protein per day is 0.8 grams per kg for a totally sedentary person. That is, a 70kg person should consume 56 grams of protein, remembering that 100 grams of chicken has 26 to 28 g of protein. If you train, you certainly need to consume more protein.

A study carried out in well-trained young people determined that the indication for these people is more or less 2.2 g / kg. Consuming higher levels of protein will have no additional benefit in muscle growth. Once the anabolism threshold is reached, more protein is not necessarily better. Do the math and put it into practice now!

Eat 0.4 to 0.55 g / kg of protein per meal

We know that 2.2 grams a day is ideal. But what about each meal? Brad and colleagues analysed this topic in a recent literature review. Then, based on the current evidence, they were able to make the following finding regarding protein consumption. They determined that spreading protein intake in 4 portions of approximately half the size over the course of the day allows for a maximum anabolic response.

That is, the ideal for growth is about 0.4 to 0.55 grams / kg. Brad also points out that intermittent fasting, although an effective strategy for fat loss, is not the best option if the goal is to optimize muscle growth.

To hypertrophy it doesn't matter if you do a lot or a few repetitions

In this 2017 literature review, Brad and colleagues analysed whether the muscle develops more with less than 6 reps or with much more than 12 reps. It was a prerequisite of the research to include studies that took the analysed groups to failure within the range of repetitions. In addition to the minimum 6-week protocol for athletes.

And the study was categorical in stating that there was no difference in muscle growth with more or less repetitions. So, if you like to push harder or burn more muscle, apparently it won't make a difference to your hypertrophy.

Training a muscle twice a week is better than one!

In this other review of studies Schoenfeld and colleagues investigated the training of muscle groups between 1 to 3 days a week on an equivalent volume basis. And the evidence indicates that training frequencies twice a week promote hypertrophic results higher than once a week.

How About Muscle Groups?

Therefore, it can be understood that the main muscle groups must be trained at least twice a week to maximize muscle growth. However, it is still inconclusive to say whether 3x is better than 2x.

If you are planning to go for supplements, you can also buy legit human growth hormone online for better performance. 



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