Call center executives often believe that they are not required to dress up good because their voice is the only thing on show. Unlike professionals from other industries, the call center dressing culture is much more lenient. However, the way you dress up often seeps through your whole personality and it is even visible (or audible) to customers. A laid-back attitude can be the outcome of the way an employee has dressed up. So, when it comes to customer support outsourcing services, you should be mindful of how your employees are dressing up.
Dressing, Body Language and Agent Behavior
As we have already established that dressing has a direct impact on body language, let’s look at the impact of body language in customer service.
Muting of calls
When an employee wears comfortable clothes, his mindset becomes non-professional. As a result, you can hear such employees yawn over calls or put them on mute for a long time. When the calls are put on mute or hold without justified reasons, it can really enrage the caller.
Wrong language and tone
Both the tone and language are impacted when your body language is too casual. When customers perceive that you are not serious, they start losing faith in your services, which directly impacts the image of the brand.
Due to the serious ramifications of bad body language, you should always outsource customer support services to professional and disciplined vendors that know the importance of body language.
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