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Best Special Events And Festivals In Italy.

Best Special Events And Festivals In Italy.

Carnevale Festival in Italy

Celebrated 40 days before Easter, Carnevale is a big pre-ash festival on Wednesday. The largest festivals are held in Viareggio, Ivrea, and Venice. Carnevale festivals are held in many cities around the world.

Celebrate the New Year in Italy

The Italians brought the New Year with music, dancing, and fireworks. Celebrations may vary from city to city.

Festa della Madonna Bruna in Matera, Italy

This is a unique festival held in the south of Italy in July. The highlight of the ceremony comes when Carro carrying Madonna is destroyed. Carro is made of sheets of paper and it takes a whole year to build it. Making Carro is a skill passed down from one generation to the next.

L'Ardia di San Costantino

Held in Sardinia, L'Ardia di San Costantino is an Italian horse race. l Palio di Siena

Il Palio di Siena is a popular festival and horse race - perhaps the most famous in the world.

Umbria Jazz Festival in Perugia

This is a well-known jazz festival held in July in Perugia.

Carnevale Ogni Scherzo Vale

Italians celebrate the festival 40 days before the demise of Lent. This type of festival has become very popular in cities around the world.

Valentine's Day in Italy

Italy celebrates Valentine's Day with shops selling Chinese baskets or cups full of candy wrapped in ribbons. Valentine's Day vows are a tradition in Italy.

Christmas in Italy (Buon Natale)

Christmas in Italy is marked in white, red and green, which are also Italian colors. Italians enjoy Christmas customs, recipes, and traditions year after year.

Easter in Italy (Buona Pasqua) Italy hosts many festivals during the Easter holiday on any given day. Many festivals are held weekly.

Thanks in Italy

Italy celebrates Thanksgiving, but in a different way than America. The family meal usually consists of Italian recipes (instead of turkey) that have been passed down from generation to generation. Families gather for a traditional meal during the holiday season.

Celebrate Venice Carnival Venice Carnival is a traditional festival where party lovers wear masks. It is a romantic event and is considered one of the biggest festivals in Europe.

Festa del Redentore

This is a Venice festival designed to commemorate the end of the 16th-century plague. It is usually held in the second week of July with a display of explosives and regatta. An architect named Antonio Palladio built the Church of the Redeemer as a memorial to the event.

Scoppio del Carro

The event was held on Easter Saturday in Florence where an ox-drawn carriage made its way down the streets towards Il Duomo. Explosives exploded in the car.

Spoleto Festival

Known as the "Two World Festival," this is one of the most popular music events in Italy.

Other Cultural Events in Italy (City or region mentioned in parentheses)

* Almond Blossom Festival (Agrigento) - A festival of songs, fireworks, and hats.

* Giostra del Saracino (Arezzo) - Also known as the Joust of Saracen, this is a tilt competition held on the first Sunday in September. Knights in armor reflect the 13th century culture.

* Calendimaggio (Assisi) - Also called Holy Week Celebration, this is the Italian Easter celebration of spring as they did in the Middle Ages.

* Torneo Della Quintana (Ascoli-Piceno) - This is the Quintana Joust held on the first Sunday of August. It is a competition in which competitors wear 15th-century costumes.

* Palio San Secondo (Asti) - This is a 700-year event in which participants wore costumes from the 13th century.

* Sagra di San Nicola (Bari) - This is a historic costume competition held on May 7.

* Sagra di Sant 'Efisio (Cagliari) - A large colorful festival is held from May 1 to 4 where pilgrims wear costumes from the 1600s with accompanying horses, chariots, and a statue of saints walking.

* Calcio Fiorentino (Florence) - This is a football game held in June similar to those medieval football games.

* Infiorata (Genzano) - A beautiful flower festival, where a religious procession takes place on flowering streets.

* Palestinian (Gubbio) - Known as the Palio of the Archers, this is a medieval crossbow competition held last Sunday in May. Participants wore arms and a medieval costume.

* Santa Rosalia (Palermo) Feast - This July, the event features fireworks, bands, and a procession in honor of the city's saint.

* Epiphany Fair in Piazza Navona (Rome) - January exhibition featuring sweets, toys, and gifts held outside beautiful Bernini fountains.

* Estate Romana (Rome) - Coordinated by the city of Rome, the event takes place from late June to August or mid-Roman summer. There is a summer season of open-air entertainment hosted by Rome Opera House. Highlights include music, ballet, opera, drama, and more.

* Carnival in Venice (Venice) - Held in February and March, the festival features masks and costumes, music, fireworks, and crowds. Entertainment is provided on the streets.

Wherever you go in Italy, there will be a special event or festival nearby. Italy is full of fun festivals all year long. You can join and be a part of these great traditions when you visit Italy.

You can find international mobile phones and Italian service from http://www.planetomni.com. Free landline calls from all over the world round the clock and regional costs are US $ .60 per minute! They rent and cell phones and satellite phones as well.

John Dulaney, born December 11, 1946, married with children. Living for many years since 1969 outside the USA and working in motion pictures since 1965 I started QuantumStar.com with my wife, Jojo, in March 1994 in San Francisco, Ca. I have lived or traveled in about 36 countries and have lived under Democracy, Socialism, Communism, dictatorships, kingdoms, and others.

There is no such thing as a home. I was involved in Channel Four in Manila, Philippines during the "People Power Revolution" and stood with my wife's brother, and half a million others fighting the threat of tank attacks. I have seen the negative effects of Socialism / Communism / Dictatorship in many countries and today I enjoy the remnants of our freedom and the protection of the Constitution in the USA here in California. Working before and after the camera films around the world we moved to pasture and quiet life, for a few years. We still have goods in Umbria, Italy, some for sale. After all that is said and done I count my children, wife Jojo, and my friends as my real treasure.



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