Prayer Tasbeeh
Prayer Tasbeeh often translated as "God blessing" or" Quran blessing", is a form of dhibih which involves the worship of God, usually by reciting the Quran. Recitation is done in two ways, with both hands or both feet, and with both feet. This is an important requirement for Muslim worship since the act of worship is one of the five pillars of Islam. It's considered a deeply religious undertaking in many societies as well as being a part of the day's activities in many nations.This form of dhibih was first introduced during the time of prophet Muhammad (SAW), who is regarded as the holy Prophet of Islam. It's believed that he instituted it to make Islam more easy to follow and implement, and also as an aid to his fellow believers. Recitation is also part of Salah, which is why there is prayer tasbeeh, but the intentions of both are the same. As stated before, reciting the Quran is part of Salah, and is done 34 times allahu Akbar. The only difference between the two is that Muslims only recite the Quran at one prayer, whereas the Salahists do it at multiple prayers.
The word prayer tasbeeh translates literally to "recite in front of the Messenger" - therefore, anyone reciting Salah must be in front of or near the Prophet at all times. Recitation of any Salah other than the Quran is considered to be idolatry. In fact, the fifth pillar of Islam, which is called names, is the commandment to perform salah in front of the Prophet. Although not all Muslims strictly follow this commandment, some do; nevertheless, they are breaking it by not reciting the Quran in accordance with Islamic law.
The word tasbih can be broken down into two categories, those whom Allah wills to guide and those whom He will not. Anyone who follows the guidelines and regulations of Islam strictly is not allowed to deviate from the path set forth by the messenger. Therefore, a Muslim may recite tasbih in front of the messenger, but if it is against the teachings of Islam, it is not permitted. Any deviation from the guidance provided by the messenger is considered to be an act of polytheism, which is against the principles of Islam. Therefore, for a Muslim to recite tasbih in front of the Prophet, it must be according to the guidelines and regulations found in the religion itself.
Another example of tasbih is when Muslims pray to Allah. Muslims must adhere to all Islamic religious rituals and be aware that they are not to deviate from their path. However, some scholars have proposed that tasbih means "instrument of worship" because it is an object used during the prayer and not considered part of the prayer itself.
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In Islamic tradition, tasbih means "admint", which is another word for praise. It is performed when Muslims praise the true Allah through all prayer. The object of praise in tasbih includes all things created by Allah, praise of man, angels, and the holy Quran. Muslims must recite tasbih regularly in order to make the meaning of the hadith clear to others. According to the traditions, if one does not praise the true Allah, he or she will be like a blind person walking in the dark; therefore, Muslims are advised to praise the true Allah in order to walk in the light of knowledge.
Many scholars believe that tasbih was inspired by the story of Moses, who is said to have recited the Ten Commandments when he was led into the Red Sea. Reciting prayer tasbeeh consistently according to the dictates of sharia is said to bring the greatest rewards and pleasures in the life of a Muslim. However, tasbih has also been criticized by some scholars as a waste of time, which prevents Muslims from focusing on the things of God. They have also argued that people should focus on the commands of Allah rather than trying to memorize a bunch of verses.
Nevertheless, there are many scholars who consider that prayer tasbeeh is absolutely necessary for every Muslim who wants to lead a fulfilling life. According to them, it is impossible for a Muslim to fulfill his or her duties to Allah if one does not recite the sacred faith everyday. Furthermore, they also point out that repeating hadith in a regular manner will help beginners in learning the meaning of the sacred texts and will also help them become better versed with the verses of the hadith. Therefore, it is recommended that every Muslim over the age of puberty recites tasbih at least once in every 30 days. A number of hadith, such as those related to Ramadan, Salat al-Fitr, Fasting, and some traditions related to the Hajj, are absolutely mandatory for Muslims.
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