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How Can Infographics Help Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

How Can Infographics Help Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

How to Make a Digital Marketing Infographic creating an infographic necessitates the following:

Research that is accurate Detail-oriented thinking Big-picture thinking a comprehension of design and Promotional opportunities.

1st step: Come up with an idea for a topic.

Ask yourself the following questions while you generate ideas:

Who am I attempting to contact?

What am I trying to say?

Do I have the data or will I be able to locate reliable statistics?

After you've compiled a list of three to five concepts, choose the one that you believe will be the most appealing to your target audience.

Step 2: Do your homework

Because infographics contain a lot of data, you'll need to perform some research to fill in the gaps. Make a note of the source as you look for pertinent information and numbers for two reasons:

You want to be certain it's dependable.

If you use the information they gathered, you must credit it as one of your sources.

Look for data or facts that you can split down into charts, graphics, or lists as you search for information; the more details you locate, the more freedom you'll have when putting your infographic together.

Step 3: Gather information

This is when your strategic thinking will come in handy. Examine all of the data you've obtained and evaluate how it all fits together. How can you use the information you gathered to convey information, create a story, present an issue, and create an effect using the details you gathered?

To begin, I like to arrange my facts and statistics in the order in which I intend to use them. I write material to fill out the remainder of the specifics once I have the basic structure of my infographic in place.

For example, if I gather data on the optimal time of day to publish on social media networks, I might set up a basic structure that looks like this.


General Social Media Statistics

Breakdown Data by Platform:






Final Call to Action: Having a few different parts in your infographic will make it easy to break up the design into manageable chunks.

Once I have the overview complete, I can fill in the details by:

Crafting an introduction that grabs readers’ attention, presents the topic, and inspires them to read more.

Creating a call to action that directs them back to my website or one of my social media channels.

Step 4: Proofread

This is a crucial yet frequently forgotten phase in any content you develop for your digital marketing strategy! Proofreading is extremely critical during the construction of infographics because it is much more difficult to correct errors once the graphic has been designed.

Here are a few pointers on proofreading.

Don't start proofreading just after you've completed writing. Your eyes may be fatigued from staring at the computer screen for so long that your brain fills in the blanks of what you intended to write. Get up, take a walk, get a drink of water, and come back with new eyes. Creating a buffer between writing and editing can help you catch more errors before you start the design process.

It's best if you read it aloud to yourself. Saying the words aloud might help you spot missing words, spelling mistakes, and a sentence that needs to be fixed. This basic method works well and only takes a few seconds to execute.

Spellcheck isn't your only option. Many of us are accustomed to relying on Microsoft Word's or Google's red or blue underlines to indicate a misspelling or grammatical issue. To correct an issue, using spellcheck or right-clicking isn't enough; you also need to pay attention to what you've typed. You can overlook that you typed “shoe” instead of “show” if you rely just on the markers. Despite the fact that “shoe” does not work in the sentence, spellcheck may overlook it because it is written correctly.

Look it up on the internet. Are you having trouble spelling a word? Look it up on the internet. Type the word into the search engine at www.google.com. When you search on Google, it will also propose an alternative spelling.

Make a copy of the document. Print down the text and read it on paper if it isn't too long. Looking at a piece of paper rather than a computer screen might sometimes bring a misspelling to your attention. Just remember to be environmentally friendly and use scrap or the backside of previously used paper, as you'll be the only one who sees this copy.

For a few reasons, I also recommend having a friend or colleague go to your work for you:

You know what you were trying to say because you wrote it. Someone else is more likely to pick up on misspelled words or errors.

They might be able to make suggestions for improving the content. You can go back and change the information to make it clearer if they have queries about what you have written.

Step 5: Create a design

This is when your design knowledge comes in handy. Consider the overall design and feel you want to portray with your infographic. It's ideal to keep things simple, so choose a few design components to use throughout the graphic:

A color scheme consisting of 3-5 complementing hues to your brand.

Fonts in two or three different styles

Line widths that are consistent.

Consider what kinds of graphics your copy might convert well too. If one of your statistics involves time, for example, you might want to consider including a clock. You may also use mini people icons to visually represent a certain amount of people if you have a large group.

Charts and graphs are always welcome additions! This piece of advice from Venngage Binary Question Responses is fantastic: A question with only two answer alternatives, such as "Yes" or "No," contains binary responses that add up to 100 percent. Use pie charts and pictograms for simple percentages like this.

Big Samples of Data: Use data maps to see very large samples of data from across a wide area.

Showing a Trend Over Time: One of the simplest ways to visualize trends over time is with a line graph (or multi-line graph). A line chart or a combo chart could be used.

The scale of evaluation Answers to the questions: The average score of the answers can be given in a pie chart or donut pie chart for questions like "Rate our customer service on a scale of 1 to 10."

“Do you have any advice for how much we can improve our site?” is an open-ended question. is an example of a question like this. Calculate the percentages for each response category by organizing your answers into multiple quantifiable groups. Use a bar chart to visualize this.

Proportional Dissimilarities: Use a stacked bar graph to show the parts of a whole.

At the very conclusion of your infographic, make sure to cite your sources. It checks your information's credibility and offers correct credit where credit is due, in addition to letting your viewers know where they may find more information.

When you're through creating the design, go over it again to make sure there aren't any minor errors. Check out these free templates from Hubspot and Venngage if you need some help getting started. Canva also has a lot of useful templates.

What is the Best Way to Promote an Infographic?

You've made your first infographic, which is fantastic! However, your work isn't finished yet. What good are these tools if you aren't going to promote them as part of your digital marketing strategy?

1st step: Please upload your infographic here.

Make sure to pick the largest version of your infographic when uploading it to your website. A large file can be scaled down, but it will appear pixelated and unprofessional if someone tries to distribute it in a larger size than you uploaded.

I'd suggest writing a small blog post about your infographic, introducing the topic and sharing a few significant data, then posting the entire infographic below for your website's visitors to read and share.

2nd step: What is the significance of embed code?

This acts as a link back to your website. Rather than downloading and uploading your infographic to their website, this code allows them to simply link to it on yours while the complete image is displayed on theirs. This not only makes it easy for their readers to reach your website, but it also adds another link to your site, which is beneficial to your SEO.

3rd step: Share, Share, Share! Your infographic is ready to be shared!

The more you share the material you develop for your digital marketing campaign, the more people will see it: Send it to your email list and post it to all of your social media accounts.

A wonderful piece of information to pitch for editorial media coverage is an infographic. Create a list of websites that you think would be a good fit for your infographic and contact them, explaining why their audience would be interested in it. You never know who will take it!

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