Ending a relationship is not easy for any couple. The decision of getting separated is not easy for a couple but it gets more complicated when a kid is involved. And if you are a parent of one or more child then taking divorce can become more complicated. After divorce, you are free from your relationship and can live your life freely but as a parent your bind to your child until he/ she turns 19. So if you the parent who is worried about getting your child’s custody or struggling with your child support case in court. Then you can get expert advice on child custody and child support from Divorce lawyers Perth, WA.
In this blog, we are going to talk about the different aspects of child custody and child support and also talks about why you need advice from an experienced divorce solicitor to help you in filing the case.
Understanding Child support
Divorce is not an easy decision to be made but when a couple decides to end their relationship then this decision must be taken in light of their mental wellbeing or any other factors. But this decision not only affects the lives of couples who decided to get separated but also affects their family and if you are a parent of a child then it affects you in different ways. The child supports simply means supporting your children up to they turn 19. So if you are having more than one child then the child support extends until your younger child turns 19. And if you are looking for more advice on child support then you can consult to Child support lawyer in Perth.
What exactly the child support means?
Child support means taking care of your child’s needs before it turns 19. If you are a parent this is the number you should keep in mind before filing the divorce. And if you need more advice on this you can consult to professional child Support lawyer who can help you in taking the right decision in accordance with laws in Western Australia. As you know it’s obvious for you to support your child until they turn 19 and also if you have more than one child then if possible you have to wait till your youngest child turn 19 before filing a divorce. You can easily understand child support as a Payment plan for your child in which you have to pay for your child’s needs until they turn 19. This amount is paid by the non-custodial parent or if the custody is shared then the amount differs according to the time child spent with each parent until it turns 19. This amount also depends upon the others factors. So if you think that child support merely the amount paid by the non-custodial parent for its necessities then this, not the only thing that matters. The law is enforced to give the lifestyle your child would deserve if his/her parents are not separated.
That is why the entire amount calculated in a technical way. To calculate the amount required in the upbringing of the child is followed by the predefined process of identifying the percentage of the salary of both parents which should be used to utilize for the upbringing of their child.
Now you must have started getting an idea about how much this process is difficult more than you think.
This also explains getting a consultation from a top divorce lawyer regarding child custody.
Now let’s try to answer the question that often comes into your mind before making a consultation call.
Why do you need to hire a child support lawyer?
Before giving the answer to this question let’s first try to understand that Is it necessary for you to appoint a lawyer for your child custody case. And the simplest answer to this question is “No”.
Yes, you heard it right you don’t need a lawyer for the child support case, but in most cases, it is worth hiring a Child support lawyers for your child support case. But before coming to any conclusion, let us first understand When Is it okay to not hire a lawyer for your child custody case.
Not in most of the cases but probably in a few of the cases the couples, who took the decision to get separated and ending a marriage by taking a divorce is done by mutual understanding and all the terms regarding the child custody and the amount paid by the non-custodial parent are clear between them.
But this is not the case for every couple that is why there is a need for a child support lawyer. And if you are looking for a child support lawyer in Perth then you can consult at Divorce lawyers Perth, WA.
As you can see taking the divorce is a complicated matter and if the kid is involved then it becomes more complicated and you definitely needed a good divorce solicitor to help you in your case.
So if you are seeking a bit of expert advice in your child custody case and want to hire the top divorce lawyer in Perth, Western Australia. Then you can definitely book a consultation call with Child support lawyers of Divorce Lawyers Perth, WA
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