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Cooling Flow Meter to Reduce Liquid Temperature

Cooling Flow Meter to Reduce Liquid Temperature

Numerous functions can be performed using a flow meter in the fluid measurement and monitoring industry. These vital devices are designed differently to cater to varying application needs. Although flow meters are often used to regulate and measure flow rate, they can also be used as coolant control devices in industrial processes that use hot fluids.

When coolants are used in many industrial processes, they fail to perform as desired. That is why coolant control flow meters are necessary. Essentially, a cooling flow meter is designed to regulate coolants' temperature to ensure that they function properly. A coolant flow meter also measures the temperature of water coolants to ensure that it doesn't exceed the required temperatures. Breakages and machine failures are bound to happen when the fluid used to cool them heats up.

Using the right coolant flow meters for the right application is paramount to get their desired results. While considering buying a cooling flow meter, there are various factors you need to look into. They include the type of application, installation requirements, the price of the flow meter, and maintenance requirements of the flow meter. If you are in doubt and are unsure which type of flow meter to use in your system, you can inquire about the ideal coolant flow meter from the manufacturer. That said, let's now look at some of the coolant flow meters used in various water flow applications.

Cooling Flow Meter Application

In applications that use water as coolants, cooling automation processes are regulated by coolant control flow meters. Their ability to prevent fluid from overheating during plant processes is what makes water coolant flow meters popular. Water is also easily available, and factories that use it dig out well water, tap water from rivers, streams, and other water sources. In various chemical processes such as die-casting, the temperature of fluids used in the manufacturing process needs to be controlled to produce high-quality end products.

While controlling the flow rate of fluids, coolant flow meters operate by oscillations brought about by flowing fluids. Monitoring coolant fluids from two points are what leads to ultimate cooling. It can be the inlet, outlet, or both of these two points. These two points are where coolant fluids pass through. Finding the right flow coolant to keep the temperature of the die regulated throughout is critical. Topically, water is used because it can keep the temperature of the die evenly spread throughout the die.

Working Principle of Coolant Control Flow Meters

Several types of water coolant flow meters operate by the same working principle when regulating cooling fluids. Let's look at some of them.

  • Thermal dispersion flow meter
  • Capillary tube type flow meter
  • Temperature differential flow meter

Thermal Dispersion Cooling Flow Meter

When regulating coolant control fluids, the area where fluid passes through in a thermal dispersion flow meter pipe borders, heat is transferred.

Capillary Tube Type Flow Meter

From an insulated interior, this type of water coolant flow meter processes heat convection when regulating the flow rate of coolant flow systems. Using capillary tubes, heat is transferred, which goes to the bulk of the flowing fluid. The main pipe is aligned to this small capillary tube. This allows the coolant to regulate flow rate effectively.

Temperature Differential Flow Meter

In this type of coolant control flow meter, two conditions are supposed to be used. The differential moves to the top when the flow is insufficient. By doing so, heat is increased. Heat is reduced when the flow rate is high, and the differential moves to the lower part.


The different types of coolant flow applications employ either of these coolant flow meters. Their unique designs are what separates them from others. In gas sectors or plants, thermal dispersion flow meters make ideal meters. When monitoring the flow of coolants, capillary tubes are used in clean fluids. That is all we have for today concerning coolant flow meters. 

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