Many of us think that PR and marketing is the same thing, but not everything’s so simple. Marketing is responsible for the sales and development of the company, while PR is responsible for communications and brand image. But there are definitely some similarities between marketing and PR. They have likeness with their goals, such as increase brand visibility or sales effort. However, these are different thing which is better when they work together. So, we will tell why and how PR and marketing work better together.
For instance, the brands invest a lot of money, efforts and time for making a real good content from blogs to video contents. The efforts of PR to share this content every possible way. And this is so important to work, to create content and advertising together.
For every brand, it is so important to have PR and marketers who can work together. At first let’s understand what is PR, what is marketing, and the difference between them.
Difference between PR and Marketing
What is PR
PR (Public relations) is like marketing but the main key public. PR focused on public relations. Working with image of brand. That is the management of the organization's reputation. The specialist needs to figure out how users react to the brand, how they are responding about it, and what they might be dissatisfied with. On the basis of this, a strategy is built to improve the reputation and consolidate a positive image. PR provides the face of the brand in public. Just remember that PR is not advertising. PR is different from marketing, but it is in many ways similar to it. Many people confuse these concepts and often equate them with each other. PR campaign tools are used in marketing strategies: posting news or an article about a brand in the media, composing product benefits in such a way that it complements the habits and corresponds to the traditions of the target audience.
You, of course, ask: "If marketing works so closely with PR, why not combine them?" Not everything is so simple - a specialist from a particular field is involved in each stage of promotion. A PR manager should be able to communicate with people and find an approach to them, and a marketer should set up and analyze target audience segments.
What is Marketing
Now let’s figure out what the marketing is. Marketing is an activity that aims to make a profit by meeting the needs of customers. Marketing is an important aspect of the work of any enterprise. This is a business philosophy. Without it, it is impossible to survive in the market; without it, the company is unable to develop. Successful application of marketing strategies, methods and tools allows companies to grow, outperform competitors and increase their revenues. Nowadays is so popular digital marketing, which is different of traditional marketing. Internet marketing is a separate science. The activities of marketers on the web are different from the activities of marketers in the offline space. In addition to traditional methods and tools used offline, Internet marketing has its own unique ways of promoting and selling. We must understand that marketing has a broader meaning than promotion or sales. This is a general vision of the company's activities in relation to markets. Using the whole range of marketing tools, we can achieve significant success, skillfully outplaying our competitors and providing quality service to our customers. For our business to be successful, all aspects of marketing must be taken into account: strategic marketing, competitor analysis, market positioning, market research, and finally, communicating marketing messages to consumers.
Sometimes PR is used as advertising - by this we mean indirect advertising of the company's goods or services, as well as image advertising in the media that does not contain an explicit commercial message. The expediency and priority of using certain promotion technologies is determined individually for each specific project. With joint competent work, marketing, advertising and PR can lead to a synergistic effect - to ensure the maximum result at a minimum cost. Marketing and PR are not part of each other. These are two independent areas, which at certain points are closely linked.
Marketing and PR are activities that use similar tools, but have different goals and objectives. Specialists in these areas act as reliable partners for each other and jointly effectively influence the promotion of the company. What does this mean for business? You should not combine the positions of a marketer and a PR-specialist into one. Instead, separate them and allow them to interact freely. This will help to successfully sell your services or goods on the market, inspiring confidence in the consumer.
In conclusion, while PR is focusing on investors or employees like in public key, marketer’s goal is advertising and promotes. So now you can imagine how these two professions are similar and very different at the same time. But they are stronger when they work together.
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