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7 Big Reasons Teens Should Exercise

7 Big Reasons Teens Should Exercise

It is a bit disturbing to know that while most adolescents by the age of 1317 are physically capable, only about 40 percent of them are active in sports, whether competitive or recreational. Unfortunately, the downward trend is likely to continue as young people are now drawn into "activities" that require just a wave of the hand, such as video games, social media, or surfing the internet.

If you are a teenager or a teenager and have never played any sport, now is the perfect time to try it! Besides the sheer joy of playing, there are other good reasons to join a sport. Only seven of them are shown below.

1. You will be healthier.

Exercise requires you to move your body and it is common knowledge that exercise is good for your health. According to the Mayo Clinic, physical activity helps control weight, fight health problems and disease, improve mood, increase energy, and promote better sleep. The health benefits of exercise far outweigh the actual injury risks.

2. You are getting smarter.

Many studies show that exercise can increase brain performance. According to a report from the Institute of Medicine, more active children are more alert, have faster cognitive processing speeds, and perform better than less active children on standardized academic tests.

This shouldn't be too surprising since exercise increases blood flow to the brain and blood flow to the brain stimulates brain growth. Also, playing any sport requires you to be on your feet and develop strategies to keep your mind sharp and alert.

3. You learn teamwork and sportsmanship.

In sport, the individual learns to trust each other and to motivate each other to achieve a common goal. While individual sports are great, team sports actually teach a life lesson: The success of a team, or an organization, depends on how well the players work together. Not even the "star" player can win the game alone.

Sports also teaches you to play fair and respect the opposing team's players. Fraud, joy and fights do not belong to sport or the professional world. Exercise teaches you to do your best and to behave honestly, whether you are winning or losing a game.

4. You will make friends.

When you join a sports team, you will inevitably make friends. With teammates sharing so many fun and exciting moments, your friendships should last long after you've finished playing.

There is another advantage: most teams usually go out to eat after a match!

5. Learn to focus and manage your time.

Sport takes time and commitment, but most players tend to do better in school and are more likely to be involved in clubs or community service. How is that possible? To play sports, teens need to develop two important skills: concentration and time management. Focus and time management are crucial qualities of people who get things done and achieve their short- and long-term goals.

6. Strengthen your resume.

While this should not be the primary reason for joining a sport, the fact is that colleges and universities prefer candidates who are versatile. Playing sports will not only round out your resume, but it will also show the admissions counselor that you are disciplined, confident, and that you work well with others.

You could say that you have more than just student potential ... you have leadership potential.

7. You have a workplace advantage.

Not all people who play sports are "stupid athletes." In fact, studies suggest that girls and boys who play sports are more likely to get higher-ranking jobs than those who don't.

According to a Cornell University study, teens who played sports developed stronger leadership skills, worked better as a team, and showed more confidence. The study also states: "Participation in a competitive youth sport 'spills over' onto advantageous career traits that will last a lifetime."

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