The spine is very important because it is the main support of the body. Made up of 33 vertebrae, each vertebra in the spine from the neck to the waist can feel pain. The causes can vary, from accidents, infections, degenerative processes to tumors.
Common people often associate pain in the spine with problems with the nerves. This is a concept of thought that is not quite right because, in reality, the parts to be considered are the bones and joints of the spine.
Therefore, these bones and joints protect and support the nerves. If it is damaged, there will be pain as the spine will pinch the nerves. By restoring its structure, the space inside the spine returns to normal so that the nerves are protected.
RS Orthopedics & Traumatology (RSOT)
RS Orthopedics & Traumatology (RSOT) Surabaya offers minimally invasive procedures for the care of the spine. The goal is to take a few actions as possible but to achieve maximum results.
Minimally invasive procedure using a special endoscope tool for the spine, where the incision is only about 8mm so that it does not damage the surrounding tissue. Compare with conventional surgery with a large surgical wound with a greater risk of bleeding and infection. Postoperative pain and the recovery process will also be longer.
C- Arm
With the help of C - Arm, operate precisely on the spot the surgical scar is only 8 mm. Thanks to minimally invasive procedures, the patient will only be under local anesthesia during surgery.
They can remain conscious during manipulation and communicate with them. After that, in a day or two, the patient can go home. And above all, the costs incurred are relatively cheaper.
In the same case, minimally invasive measures can cut costs up to 1.5 times cheaper. This is due to the absence of various unnecessary actions during the postoperative process and treatment.
Before performing minimally invasive measurements, RSOT will perform clinical, physical, X-ray, and MRI exams to see details of the source of the patient's problems. From all the data collected, it is then formulated as a minimalist action that is appropriate according to the patient's case (tailor-made).
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Minimally invasive measures have been implemented in RSOT. In addition to the latest technological equipment, this procedure is also carried out by specialist doctors. Besides, this minimally invasive action is customizable. It is therefore not necessarily that in patients A and B the action is the same. Because the action taken will depend on each case or the spinal problem experienced by the patient.
The minimally invasive principle applied to RSOT Surabaya is to take a few measures as possible while maintaining other network structures so as not to be exposed to risk.
Otherwise, at 45 or 50 years of age, the disease may reappear and the doctor will have difficulty providing additional treatment because other organs in the body are already damaged.
One example is the insertion of pins into the spine. This action will make the patient stiff and difficult to move. In RSOT, the Interspinous device is used, which can provide similar results while allowing the patient to move freely. And most importantly, the insertion of the interspinous device can be done with a minimally invasive technique, without a large incision, as is commonly used.
Spinal Problems Solutions
For various other spinal problems, RSOT also applies various instruments, such as endoscopic microdiscectomy (MED) or percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) for the lower back.
This minimally invasive procedure is suitable for all ages, especially the elderly. Because the treatment of degenerative cases is to reduce complaints and not to rejuvenate the organs.
Patients no longer need to be afraid of the surgery, because the process is faster, less bleeding and the recovery period is shorter.
Can all spinal disorders be treated with minimally invasive measures? No, the doctor will examine the case.
Suppose the problematic part is in a multi-level or large area of the vertebrae or joints so that the range to be handled is quite wide. But if the problem is only one or two levels, minimally invasive action can be taken.
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