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How To Choose A Jiu Jitsu Gi?

How To Choose A Jiu Jitsu Gi?

How To Choose A Jiu Jitsu Gi?

If you are into jiu jitsu, one of the most important pieces of equipment you need to have is your Gi. The Gi is a recognisable symbol for many people who are into martial arts, and if you are a member of a local club or school for Jiu Jitsu, then you are obviously going to be aware of them. At first, you might borrow a Gi from your club while you are learning, but ultimately you are going to want to have your own Gi to wear, and ideally a number of them to choose between. Here is how you can choose a jiu jitsu Gi for yourself.

The Cut

One of the first things you will need to think about is the cut or fit of the Gi. This is quite possibly the most important part of being able to wear your Gi comfortably and enjoyably. If it does not really fit, then you will struggle to enjoy wearing it, and it might not be easy to move around in it. If the Gi is too tight in the back or the crotch, you won’t be able to play guard or pass properly as you can’t do the full splits, for instance. Then there are the personal options, such as whether you prefer a baggier Gi or not.


You will soon come to see that Gis come in many different styles, and you need to try and find one that is suitable for you and which you enjoy wearing. Looking at the design of your Gi, you want to feel that it represents your style, while also fitting in with the club you are working with. And of course, if you are to compete, then you need to ensure that you are operating within any guidelines there might be too.


Moving around and performing moves in your Gi is obviously going to take an eventual toll on the product. However, some Gis are likely to be more durable than others, and you will obviously benefit from finding one that is likely to survive a longer time. As a general rule, the thicker and heavier ones will tend to last considerably longer, but you might well have a need for a lighter one in some competitions, so it’s not a straight-up choice every time.


Gis come in a range of materials, and there are pros and cons to each. As well as materials, there are different weaves that you might want to think about too, as they do affect the experience of wearing the Gi. A pearl weave is more lightweight, for instance, while gold weave was often the standard at many championships, but is now just one of many allowed. However, many people still say it is the best choice. Of course, ultimately it’s up to you, and you might want to try out a few types before you decide on one.

If you have considered these things, you should find that you are going to get the right Gi for you.

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