Anyone who begins to write leaves a little of themselves in their stories. Whether she likes it or not. All the stories we watch, the stories we read, say something about our lives and our dreams.
They also tell us where we are, where our conflicts are with ourselves or with others. They tell us what touches us. Some of these stories are derivations, distractions, or entertainment. They keep us from thinking and put us at rest.
The other stories - a small handful - move us because they resonate with our humanity, with our fears and our experiences.
The impact of the stories we write
There are the stories how to create a Wikipedia profile! There are those that haunt us, those that come to wake us up at night, those that speak to us during the day when we are at work or in the street, while we are doing our shopping or when we overhear a conversation in the street within us. Saying “that’s what I have to remember to put it in my book!”
If the stories we consume tell us something about our relationship to the world, the stories we publish reveal something about us to the world.
From this arise several difficulties, some of which constitute a barrier to writing. To write a story with fluidity, a story that is neither a pure entertainment nor a technical exercise, that is to say which stages our individuality, our sensitivity, our universe, it is necessary to be clairvoyant about us - even and on the hidden motives of the story. It is necessary to endure the tension and the diversity of the emotions.
The stories we write are a reflection of our personality, the summary of our life story, in miniature. Just like the clothes we wear, the different parts of our body, our dreams or our fantasies: everything speaks about us. Unconsciously!
Each story we tell - and I'm not talking about a novel - reveals the writer who lies dormant in each of us.
Connecting with your emotions through writing
An author is born in the desire to connect with his entire emotional panel. This goes for the easier emotions, like anger or sadness, as much as for others, less often put forward, like hope or joy, confidence or resignation.
When writing, the author's most important tool is his ability to invoke any emotion, in any shade, and to juggle going from one to the other, depending on what the story requires.
The author does not pretend when he or she writes. He or she lives directly, and not by proxy, what he shows his readers. It is this accuracy that makes the plausibility of a story.
And when the story blocks, it is rarely for questions of logic, rarely for questions of formal or technical coherence. It is often for lack of vulnerability, often because the author has the intuition of a dull intimate agitation in connection with the passage he is to write. He then flees this agitation, because it is going to ask him for energy and he knows that he will come out of it exhausted.
When we write our stories, we convey our emotions to our readers. Without our knowledge! It is understood that all authors must control their own emotions when writing. Like any artist elsewhere.
What would a character without emotion be? A puppet! An author, or an artist whatever his chosen field, is an observer. He never loses an opportunity to nurture his knowledge of human nature.
To write is to think about the world with your words
When we write, we choose our words carefully, one over the other. We don't think otherwise than with words. The words associated with each other, as we have chosen them in a clever assembly, are preceded by already ready-made thoughts, which we have constructed before putting them down on paper.
How could we, moreover, think without words? Far from me to display philosophical thoughts! It is obvious that words also influence the way we think. And therefore, to hire wiki writers!
We all need the language to convey messages, to communicate with others. It is therefore an intention that any author transmits via the words he chooses to tell the stories of his characters.
Words speak and are not necessarily what they are. They sometimes go beyond, in the opposite direction, or on roundabout routes. There are the words which speak and which are silent and those which shout louder than the others. There are words that cannot be heard and yet have so much to say. There are those who jostle each other, those who are interested in the other and even those who despise! The words that speak are like men, so numerous and dissimilar. They are tinged with the evils that run through us, wanting to illuminate them with their light. Words that speak are beneficial and healing...
Even if the words we use belong to us, they are always inspired by our feelings. They resonate with our own structure, on our own feelings about the words in question.
The interpretation of words is done on several levels...
Julie NAVEX has written a very interesting book that I recommend to you:
The author and the stories he writes
The author remains vigilant not to get carried away by his own story, not to let emotions seduce him to the detriment of logic alone and not to let logic convince him to the point of neglecting emotions.
It takes work and mistakes. Many mistakes. Moments of anger, knots in the brain, which lead to dramatic dead ends that must later be unraveled.
Writing gives rise to questions, hesitations, and questions. To write is to condense life into words. We all carry stories within us. It is our intimate part of each of us, the pains as well as the joys, the steep roads that we have taken, the underground inheritances, the dreams that allow us to continue to put one foot in front of the other.
It is very important for us to have spaces where we can put our words, to offer this sharing with our readers. We learn a lot about ourselves by listening to what our writing says.
I remain convinced that we live better by writing. We are both larger and lighter.
Write for self-discovery
Undeniably, writing allows you to awaken to yourself. We get rid of what needs to be. We offer ourselves to the world with more transparency, a sense of unity and alignment.
Writing, wouldn't it just be tame? Wouldn't this be a way to take responsibility and take responsibility for yourself? On his life? Wouldn't that be a clarification of our thinking? Wouldn't that be a way to give us direction? A way to seek and find the light within us?
I can confirm it to you: writing is indeed a journey of self-discovery and towards welcoming oneself. Writing is a very powerful tool, a source of creation, of expression, in a word: a tool of joy. By writing, we set off to discover ourselves on the way, a promise of connection between our mind and our body.
Writing is a way to come together to take care of yourself, to find your mental and emotional balance. When we write, we explore territories buried within us.
Writing is a source of discoveries about oneself, of developing one's relationship with others. Writing is giving yourself the instrument that allows you to get to know the intimate part of yourself, to establish links between your lived experiences, your memories of the past, your present life and your projections into the future. .
Writing helps readers build their identity and gives meaning to their lives through the stories we make up. We think maybe we write for nothing, without any purpose. Wrongly! Writing is a carnal act. It is a bit of self that is extended by pencil, ink or paper, or when we face our computer screen.
Writing does not necessarily have a purpose or a precise form. It is an act of freedom. To write is to think. It is letting others enter your inner garden a little. To write is to live better.
To write is to rub shoulders with the human being, to experience the movements of the being, of the heart and of the mind, to face characters who feel, who act and who are. The author feels with them, not in their place, not for them, but with them.
As a conclusion
An author is not in the manipulation of words. He is in a truth as he wrote his story. He is in the encounter of emotions, those of his characters, and by necessity, his own.
Writing is not just a happy distraction, an activity lost in the bustle of activities that inhabit our daily lives. Writing can stir us up from the inside, move us.
Writing is an adventure of endless discovery. Every day when we think we have understood everything, something new comes to the fore, a questioning, and a new or old idea.
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