There are several different toys that children enjoy playing with but some toys also help in the development of the children such as motor development. Building blocks play a major role in the development of children. Some researchers believe that every classroom should have wooden building blocks. Building blocks help to boost creativity, encourage children to match, count, and sort. Building blocks come in different shapes and sizes so they are an excellent way to introduce children to the concept of different shapes and sizes. Building blocks play an important role in physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development.
Building blocks inculcate reasoning and problem-solving skills in the kids. Building blocks help the children to find new ways to solve problems. Blocks help the children to improve their vocabularies, math skills, teaches them about gravity, balance, and geometry. Building blocks are perfect to introduce your child to different shapes, sizes, colors, and building structures.
If we talk about how building blocks help in the improvement of math skills of a child then we would come to know that children can learn about the area, size, order, space, shapes, numbers, mapping, patterns, measuring, fractions, operations, estimating, negative space, adding, one to one correspondence with the help of building blocks than their books and worksheets.
According to psychologists and psychiatrists, whatever a child learns through play and fun is retained in his memory in a better way than when the children are taught by conventional teaching methods.
According to the researches and studies building blocks help the following aspects of a child’s development
• motor skills and hand-eye coordination,
• spatial reasoning,
• cognitive flexibility,
• language skills,
• a capacity for creative, divergent thinking,
• social competence
• Engineering skills.
The experts have observed that arranging and stacking toy building blocks stimulates the motor development of a child.
Benefits of playing with building blocks
Promotes spatial reasoning
When children play with building blocks it not only improves their concept of spatial reasoning but also develop eye and hand coordination. According to research, the children who played with building blocks have a better idea about building sophisticated structures and performed very well in spatial intelligence than those kids who never played with block toys. Construction play imparts developmental effects on a child’s brain. Block play also improves mental rotation among kids.
Improve cognitive flexibility
Cognitive flexibility means to shift the focus quickly from one relevant stimulus to another. This is very important to be successful in school. But some kids struggle with it and are at higher risk of developmental delays. To help such children the best way is to make them play with toy building blocks. The studies have shown improvement in cognitive studies among children who were exposed to playing with toy building blocks.
Enhance creativity
Playing with toy building blocks helps to improve the creativity of the kids. When the kids play with building blocks they make new structures and patterns. The kids invent new things to play with toy building blocks that give a boost to their imagination.
Improvement of social skills
Some of the toy wooden blocks require an interactive play team in which children interact with each other and play together. This instills the development of social skills among children. When they play together they learn how to cooperate, share, control their anger, and develop sportsman spirit.
Better at math
Those kids who play with toy building blocks tend to be better with math. The toy building blocks help the kids to become good at math. When the kids make different structures they count the blocks and sort which shape and size are better in return their math improves which helps them later in life.
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