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Parents: What To Do About Bullying

Parents: What To Do About Bullying

Safety should be a number one priority when it comes to our kids. In some cases, that just doesn’t happen. When a child goes out into the world, they can be vulnerable to all types of situations that could be harmful and life altering. As a mentor for school aged kids, let’s take a deep look into what your child could be faced with in school.

Bullying for kids starts in elementary school. What may seem like a harmless act by a teacher or administrator could be a lifelong mental obstacle for a child. Later transforming into social issues related to children. I’ve learned over the years that bullies too may be experiencing mental challenges of their own.

Kids just don’t start bullying other kids for no reason. Bullying is something a child picks up from home or other students. Children are fast learners and in this tender age the grasping power is immensely high. Being first in line as an elementary student can trigger a reaction from other students by not being able to feel that form of success. In some instances, a child can struggle with something as simple as that for the entire day which one cannot relate to any social issues in America, present in most of American schools.

From my own experience, watching and listening to elementary students, a common factor may be missing from a child's life. It is not easy for a child to want that missing factor and knowing they may not receive it from school or at home. Such deficiency of awareness in school leading is an abundant contributor towards social issue education. Also, this factor starts the unraveling of the mental state of a child and resilient acts are required to prevent bullying to become one of the key social issue topics.

That missing factor is love. In the early stages of life, a child should be able to receive love at home, school or just about any place. In school, it is the ultimate environment that has shaped the lives of many individuals, for many years. When that stage of life is interrupted by a bully or not receiving enough love, it could be a lifelong challenge to overcome. School is a place where youngsters are nurtured to be a better person in life but activities like intimidation can hamper their evolution and prove to be an obstacle in mental progress. America is fraught and aggressive in this intricate situation of social issues related to education.

By the time a child reaches middle school, bullying becomes much more prevalent. A simple shove can now be a punch or serious verbal abuse. For teachers and administrators, they know that over 80% of bullying occurs on the playground or in the lunchroom. One of the every five (20.2%) students report being bullied. (Ref.- National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019) Knowing that, one would think, why isn’t something done to combat the problem? Make no mistake about it, serious stress can be on teachers and administrators and that’s when the issues may be taken lightly leading doors to be topics for social issues as children are left being victims.

Middle school students are faced with a plethora of bullying issues. From gangs, other students, home life and even some teachers. This act of intimidation of kids by other children for fun or with some other intentions can be developed to debating social issues in the United States. Therefore, having someone to turn to can be a game changer for a youth. Some kids in middle school are afraid to turn to anyone, even their friends. 41% of students who reported being bullied at school always live in the trauma of being terrorized again.

My goal is to try and assure millions of young people get on the right track and stay on that right track.

Ustop for kids is a new and effective tool against bullying, sexual predators, human trafficking, addiction and abuse. In 2017, roughly 4% of American adolescent American children, meaning future of the country age 12-17 substance addiction or disorder. In this circumstance the app has been a sound for relief for parents for the safety of their wards. The app was introduced at the first ever Mentor Kids Hackathon.

This special safety app uses play and creativity to teach safety skills and teaches healthy decision making. This happens to be a placid aid for parents and to teachers too.

This safety app was made in the unique way that means it is not based on specific rules and regulations. It makes safety fun for kids.

How does it work?

The app teaches children how to respect each other and not to let other people know what they are doing as it happens to be an escape from the state of mess and alert for the child.

It teaches kids to respect others’ privacy and keeps their data safe.

As kids have the freedom to be creative while being safe, the app teaches them fun ways to stay safe like by not sharing too much personal information and to know the reasons to say no.

You can connect with parents through a feature called Snap Chat Exchange. Good news, is that parents have access to all the chat history and can also know who their kids are speaking to. The app also includes an abuse reporting function. Just to capture your notice, in 2018 number of victims of child abuse in America were 677,464 cases reported. (Ref.- https://www.statista.com/statistics/639375It). Therefore, the gravity of this soulful and extremely useful app is a must. It is also integrated with SafeRide’s emergency child escort service to alert 911 when a child needs help.

The app is available on all devices. Parents just need to set up the account by entering their child’s full name and birthdate.

At launch, this safety app is targeted to young children but will soon be available for pre-teens. In order to alleviate cases of bullying and cutting the roots on developing it in social issues globally such apps along with other preventions are mandated things.

Tanvi Bajpai

Tanvi Bajpai

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