Getting a brochure for your company is easy, however, designing a brochure in such a way that your customer ends up keeping it with them for future reference is not so easy. Not just informative, a brochure needs to be attractive as well as appealing so that your potential customer ends up availing of your service.
Brochures are not just about choosing images or a layout, it is about working on all the elements that create the right balance of information as well appeal. From the kind of paper, you are choosing to print to the information you are putting, everything matters.
Let us discuss the important points that need to be considered for designing an effective brochure for your business.
• Define objectives of getting a brochure for your business
The initial step to designing a brochure is understanding the objectives of the brochure. Based on this your whole marketing plan will be designed. You should know which market needs to be targeted, how will you distribute the brochure, and what kind of results you are hoping to receive through brochure distribution.
• Understand the kind of brochure fold
The brochure comes with numerous folds. Choosing the right kind of folds is very important as it determines how the information and other elements will be presented to your potential customer.
Choosing a fold can be difficult as it has to be done in such a way that each part of the information is visible in a sequence. Each fold comes with unique features.
• Choose content keeping your targeted audience in mind
Content of the brochure plays an important role; however, it should be designed in such a way that it appeals to them. Check whether you are putting too much information that can easily put off your customers, or the information you put is too short that it leaves the customer with questions.
Too much information or improper format can easily put off your potential customers.
• Choose the right font
The brochure comes with strong headings and subheadings along with the rest of the content. This is where choosing a font becomes important, therefore it is highly recommended that you choose 3 different fonts, one each for the headings, sub-headings, and rest of the text.
Font helps in setting the tone of your whole brochure, so do not go overboard with it. Go for something that gels well with each other.
• Choose the right paper and coating for your brochure
The kind of paper you are thinking of getting your information printed on and the kind of coating you want to go for will also help in turning your visitors into customers. A thick paper with a matte finish can be looked up as an impressive and upscale than thin paper.
This kind of paper also explains how durable your brochure will be. Thicker paper usually longs last and with coating, it can easily be protected from smudges or water.
• Make use of high-quality photos
Low-quality pictures can easily pull down the overall look of your brochure that is why the quality of an image plays an essential role. Choosing a poor image can affect your marketing plan negatively.
Make sure the images are appealing and are arranged in sequence.
• Call to action
Another important element in brochure designing is the call to action section. This is working on the part where a customer is directed towards a certain action. Like where they can purchase your products or how to gain discounts, basically anything that will push them to come back to you.
The call to action section should be made visible by using big fonts or choosing a different colour in the background. You can attract your audience by providing your visitors some incentives such as coupons or promotions which attract them towards your service.
To sum up
Working on these elements will help in making a brochure worth keeping.To seek an effective brochure design, it is essential to seek professional help, so for your marketing needs, you can easily avail service of a <b><a href="">freelance web designer in Dubai</a></b> or a freelance web developer in Dubai who can work on various elements of marketing such as brochure designing, logo designing, and other elements for your business.
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