Herbal medicine for kidney stones (gurday ki pathri) is the safest method as well as the most effective one. It is cheap and it works. There are no negative side effects of taking herbal medicines as there are of the drugs. However, the problem with allopathy is that it treats the symptom and not the disease. It is true that medicine can cure you of the disease but it will not cure the cause.
In contrast, herbal medicine for kidney stones (gurday ki pathri) addresses both the disease and the symptoms of this disease. This is why people prefer to go under the treatment of herbal medicines rather than going for expensive and risky surgeries. A typical herbal medicine for kidney stones (gurday ki pathri) contains herbs like uva ursi, hydrangea, and Staphysagris. The herbs help in increasing the water levels in your body which is helpful in getting rid of kidney stones.
Most of us are familiar with uva ursi. It is an herb that is found in countries like Russia, Mongolia, China, and some parts of western India. It has been used for many years to treat kidney stones (gurday ki pathri). The only problem with it is that it is very bitter. It should therefore be consumed in small quantities or it can destroy the taste of the food you consume.
Hydrangea is another herb that is an important ingredient of various kinds of herbal remedies for kidney stones (gurday ki pathri). It helps in curing and preventing the recurrence of stones in the kidney. There are certain specific instructions that have to be followed for proper usage of hydrangea. It is advised to consult a dietician before using this herb.
Staphysagris is also known as Pulsatilla is another useful herbal remedy for a kidney stone. It can help in reducing the pain caused by the stone in the urinary tract. It is also very effective in treating inflammation and providing instant relief from pain. The liquid form of staphysagris has to be diluted in water and taken daily. In order to prepare it for drinking, a teaspoon of it needs to be mixed with 2 teaspoons of water.
Licorice roots are also among the important remedies for a kidney stone. The pain caused by them can be reduced to a great extent. They have to be mashed and applied on the affected parts. They reduce fever, give restful sleep and nourish the body. You can buy them crushed or in powder form from any shop.
A special formula of hops extract is very effective in treating a kidney stone. It reduces the pain caused by the disease and stops the progression of it. The formula has to be taken twice daily over a period of two to three weeks. This way, the symptoms will be eased and the disease will remain under control.
Other than these, vinegar and garlic have also been proved very effective in curing stones of the kidneys. It is advisable to take one teaspoon of them daily as they can stop the formation of stones. For prevention, you can drink plenty of water, which will flush out toxins from your body. You can use lemon juice and apple cider vinegar for this purpose.
You can also take the help of fennel seed, which acts as an astringent. It reduces the size of stones, which are formed in the kidneys. Another useful remedy for stone problems is rock salt, which can be mixed with baking soda. These both act as a neutralizer against acid and eliminate its harmful effects.
Herbal medicines used as remedies for kidney stone problems include mullein, hyssop, hawthorn, goldenseal, and bladderwrack. Some of these herbs act as alkaline solutions, while others alkalize the urine and increase urine flow. Fruits like cherries, strawberries, bilberries, and apples provide additional benefits.
Many people prefer to go for natural remedies rather than taking medications from doctors. It is very easy to find all these herbs and their products online. However, always ensure that you are getting the genuine product from a reputed manufacturer. It's a good idea to check the legitimacy of the manufacturer before purchasing the best herbal medicine for kidney stones. The Best online medicine prices in pakistan.
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