Physical therapy is the best way to get rid of neck and shoulder pain, rather than opting for medicines, unless necessary. The best physical therapy for shoulder pain or neck pain would reduce the stiffness and chronic pain through specialized exercises and ultimately strengthen the muscles.
The duration of the therapy would depend on the patient's condition. Here is a brief overview of how it works.
Improves Range of Motion
A physical therapist for neck pain would enable you to attain a wider range of motion in your neck and shoulder. Stiffness in the neck or shoulder could prevent you from reaching out during your workout regimen, and you could end up pulling a muscle while stretching.
Physical therapy will make your shoulders and neck pliant and supple so that you can flex your body with ease, without risk of further injuries.
Strengthening the Neck
The neck musculature should be strengthened so that your shoulders are at a level and do not experience any dizziness. Injury at the base of the neck could end up damaging your spine and has to be avoided.
Similarly, the shoulders should be strengthened not to face issues while lifting weights during workouts which could debilitate you and prevent you from performing some regimens. Improving the neck and shoulder posture is a vital result of physical therapy.
Prevent Recurring Pain
There are certain types of unspecified chronic pains which recur in the neck and shoulder region. The best physical therapy for shoulder pain would prevent this pain from coming back. This kind of pain usually lingers, and an exact diagnosis can be difficult at times. However, the therapy can increase the strength of neck and shoulder muscles even without a diagnosis and help in improving the quality of life.
Recovering from Injury or Surgery
Therapy exercises can be used for patients recovering from injuries like whiplash. This can negatively impact the soft muscle tissues in the neck and around the shoulders. The pain or stiffness can linger for weeks, but a therapy treatment can help in speedy recovery.
Similarly, a physical therapist for neck pain can help in recovery after a neck or shoulder surgery. Stiffness from surgery can last for months, especially in surgeries like anterior cervical discectomy with fusion. 2 or more vertebrae can be affected in this process. The patient can experience painful spasms during the recovery phase. It is almost impossible to get through this without professional help.
Neck and shoulder therapy incorporates manual techniques and technology to get to the root of the problem, like the use of electrical stimulation or traction. Specific neck and shoulder movements are prescribed according to the patient's condition. It is possible to avoid surgery even in cases of radiculopathy, where acute pain travels from the neck to the arms.
Now that you know how physical therapy works to reduce discomfort from neck and shoulder injuries, you can consult professionals about your condition who will refer active or passive treatment based on your condition. It will improve your posture and range of motion for a better quality of life.
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