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Technique of Virtual Training and its Importance

Technique of Virtual Training and its Importance

The Virtual Training Center of the General Directorate of Human Resources of Dubai Police participated in the 17th Foundation Traffic Course held at the Federal Police School with the participation of 32 trainees from various emirates of the country within the framework of partnership and cooperation between the General Command of Dubai Police and government departments and from the directions of the senior leadership on the importance of transferring leading experiences and best management and technical practices in the investment of human resources optimal.

Virtual Training and its role in investing human resources, in which the virtual training programs were discussed and compared between interactive virtual education and traditional education, in addition to what is the technique of virtual Training and its importance in investing financial resources and human resources, and then trained the associates on how to use the program and put them at the heart of the event in a collision at an intersection and the investigator must perform all procedures from the beginning of the transition to the scene and secure it until the completion of the case file. The lecture was interspersed on the second day to allow the members to experience the investigator to uncover the ambiguity of the incident and deal with various reasons. Finally, on the third day, they first investigated an accident of truck deterioration and containing deaths and injuries and a collision between several vehicles, which led to the ignition of many of them.

Captain Mohamed Issa al-Hammadi of the General Directorate of Criminal Evidence and Criminology used the virtual body language training program to provide a simplified explanation of the importance of the body language of the traffic man and how to benefit from this science in addition to training them some practical


This type of Training gives the Virtual assistant course a practical aspect and helps to reach the desired educational outcomes in terms of the graduation of members with practical experience; even if it is hypothetical, it is still a valuable experience based on realistic issues and procedures that experts train from the General Traffic Department for the traffic side and specialists in body language science for the virtual training program on body language, which was designed in cooperation with the General Directorate of Investigations and Criminal Investigations, the General Administration of State Security and the General Administration of Criminal Evidence, Criminology and General Administration of


The director of the center praised Brigadier General Ahmed Abdullah al-Hajri, director of the Federal Police School, for the trust we have given to include these programs in the school courses, Colonel Dr. Jassim Mohammed al-Bakr, deputy director of the school, for his immediate support and put forward many ideas to activate the role of programs and benefit from them in different areas, and Lieutenant Ali Heikal Mohammed, director of the media and public relations branch, and Assistant Hussein Fadhil Abdullah Musharraf information systems to supervise them and follow up the


The attendees praised the course and the extent to which they benefited from it. Assistant First Bati Mohammed Marzouki stated that the virtual program was the best conclusion of the session, where he added the practical aspect without moving to accidents.

Assistant First Hamid Saif al-Raihi added that the program increased their absorption and understanding and wished that a whole week of virtual Training had been allocated.

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