A range of sorts of students is available in each class. This selection contributes to the charm of your stay at a school, college, or university, spanning from nerds to backbenchers and Mr. Know-it-all to teach if you can. But even if they're pleasant, classmates are occasionally excessively upsetting in your life, especially during the examination period.
During this era, you will witness all sorts of pupils in very unusual and strange ways. And don't even start me on your exam day behavior. Here are some of the general categories we developed following our meetings with various kinds of students of professional tests.
The Leaders
These are the ones who always lead the class, as the name indicates. What are they doing? They will make sure that the teacher recognizes them straight from the first class to the final one. They're never going to miss a class and try to get the front benches.
When a first-coming rule is first-served, half an hour before the beginning of the course. Some even chuckle at the teacher's dull jokes.
During the examination season, they are the only people who have physically recorded in their notes all the things mentioned by the teacher. You won't confess, but you like your "15 fame minutes."
But what's the worst aspect, you know? They are among the most anxious on the day of the exam. They will study books and try to remember them all as if they had just taken part in the class and were requested to be examined. Practice makes perfect, the only mantra.
Naive Students
These kinds of pupils are rather cool. During the semester, they will never be serious. If they have nothing better to do, you will see them attend class sometimes. But even if they gift the rest of us with their presence, they don't care what the teachers say.
However, when the exam schedule is published, their happy-go luckiness attitude becomes something sinister. They hesitate to seek assistance from the toppers since they spend the remaining half of the semester miserably turning the lives of the toppers. How can aid currently be obtained?
In order to help them pass the test the night before, they generally need to have support from books banks like AMC MCQ question bank. Your rationale? "If you can spend one night after studying, why stress for the entire semester?"
Overconfident Students
These individuals are funny. They usually believe themselves to be the toppers' opponents, but never beat them. And after the results of the examinations are over, the toppers invariably curse and declare that they have nothing enjoyable in life. However, they hide their aspirations to be a topper.
They'll pretend they know nothing throughout the examination season and ask others what they know. They try to measure the competitive level they face in some ways. Their worst part is that they ask all conceivable questions, yet they tell you that they don't know anything when you need aid.
They would casually say that they have studied a chapter and the remaining nine are undisturbed, should you ask them about their preparations for the examination day. Well, there is only one chapter that has to be reviewed. Do you feel obsessed? "What you don't know about me?"
Not Interested
These are folks who don't know the direction of their lives. You go to classes because you have to. Maybe nothing essential is happening.
But they're not the brightest on regular occasions. You may have the greatest IQ among the lot, but you really don't want to study and study. Sometimes they take notes and ask intriguing questions during the lesson. However, this is only when the atmosphere is perfect.
They're the quietest during the exam season. You won't typically know much about the examination, but you don't care about it. They're not asking for aid from anyone.
You'll be reading the books some time, but just as long as your interest continues.
You'll tell them honestly if they question anything before examination day if they know the answer or not. They will do it if they have anything to contribute. Why are they doing that? Hmm, why do they? Their frank manner makes others assume that they are hiding something, and the tops are sometimes worried about their degree of confidence
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