Celebrity hair transplant is a hair loss treatment procedure that many celebrity patients undergo to resume their professional activities and social life and keep the hair long before and after the procedure.
Hair loss may be as a result of;
I) Excessive alcohol usage.
ii) Lack of proper diet.
iii) Improper sleeping habits.
iv) Excessive straightening.
v) Use of dye.
Suppose you want to prevent the risk of being a victim of hair loss. In that case, you should avoid excessively using alcohol, have a good sleep, avoid straightening and use a proper diet to provide the body with the required nutrients for improving hair density.
Celebrity hair transplants before and after give a clear justification that hair transplant surgery works for different people across the world, like actors, stars, sportspeople, etc.
Since it is hard to believe whether it is successful or not, there have been pictures or images on the various walls to satisfy and make people think.
Improvement in technology has made celebrity hair transplants surgery increase and be popular, especially among Hollywood people. The patients have tried to do away with stigma through being honest and open about their transplantation journey.
Below are the six examples of celebrity hair transplants before and after treatments in various patients.
1. Calum Best
Calum Best revealed that he underwent a hair transplant surgery known as the follicular unit extraction (FUE) to restore his hairline that had started to recede in his early twenties.
The procedure involves the extraction of hair follicles from the back of the patient's head, usually the donor site, and planting them Infront of the head to generate a hairline and stop balding.
Calum Best said that the surgery was successful, boosted his self-esteem, and prevented him from going bald. His 2013 pictures were different from that one for 2018, hence providing evidence for the success.
2. John Travolta
John Travolta is a Hollywood icon who also decided to undergo a hair transplant procedure to recover his lost hair. He suffered strong hair thinning that left him with a bald spot in front of his head. Before he decided on hair transplant, he had tried various treatments, which were not successful.
The newly transplanted hair follicles covered the whole bald, thus giving him a more pleasant look. The celebrity hair transplant before and after is evident in his previous and current pictures.
3. Wayne Rooney
Wayne Rooney is well known to be a former Manchester United team player. He started experiencing baldness as a hair loss condition in his early twenties and decided to go for hair transplant surgery in 2011. The transplant surgery was successful, and his hair thickness increased.
Wayne is well known for the celebrity hair transplant since he did another procedure two years after the first to increase the density of the planted hair. He was happy with the results and said he had been insecure about his hair thinning.
4. Jimmy Carr
Jimmy Carr is a comedian who also settled on celebrity hair transplant surgery to restore his hairline. He discussed it openly on social media, saying that his thinning hairline was making him insecure, and that was why he had decided to go for a transplant procedure.
Jimmy currently has thick hair on the head, and the hairline has been lowered due to the procedure.
5. Stephanie Davis
Davis is a lady who underwent hair transplant surgery to restore her hairline because many people were bullying her for her big forehead in school and other public places.
She explained and encouraged many women suffering the same to go for hair transplant surgery. She started experiencing early results the sixth month after the surgery and was so happy about it.
6. Elton John
Elton is a songwriter and a singer who also opened up on his celebrity hair transplant surgery, where he said that the hair thinning made him take the solution to the challenge in his 70s. He undertook two procedures that have boosted and increased his hair growth.
Celebrity hair transplants before and after is evident in many people discussed above and many more. The people have shown success in their surgeries, and they are so happy with the results.
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