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8 most important factors affecting our physical and mental health

8 most important factors affecting our physical and mental health

Over the years, our health becomes more fragile than before. Passively getting used to the idea of ​​old age, we allow our body to grow decrepit. However, even in this situation, when it seems that nothing can be done, an active life position is needed!

We need to closely monitor the condition of our body. After all, ageing is a long process, and we are able to slow down its development. Most serious illnesses and their complications are preventable!

Most common diseases:

1. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (myocardial infarction and stroke);

2. trauma and poisoning (most of which are the consequences of alcohol intoxication);

3. malignant neoplasms;

4. lung disease (including cancer) associated with smoking;

5.infectious diseases - influenza, hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.

It is important to know what exactly contributes to the occurrence of diseases - and to eliminate the causes, and not to deal with the effect.

It is important to know what exactly contributes to the occurrence of diseases - and to eliminate the causes, and not to deal with the effect.

Being healthy and happy all the time is not an easy task. However, it is quite within your power to make your life brighter and more interesting, it is enough to reconsider your way of life.

8 factors for maintaining health

All nutritionists and health professionals agree on one thing: there are only eight natural factors that play a critical role in maintaining health.

And it is very easy to follow them. Using these factors, your life can be coloured with new colours, it will become full of pleasure and joy.

1. Nutrition.

Eating is a habit that affects human health more than any other factor. The body is influenced not only by what food we eat, but also by the time we eat and the way we prepare our food. Overeating is as harmful as under-eating. Think about food as fuel for your body, and don't overflow your reservoir with bad quality fuel. Eat only when you are hungry, and avoid harmful diets. Try to eat as much fresh food as possible. Let vitamins be the main ingredients of your meal. Fruits, and especially vegetables, are a source of physical and mental well-being. Fast food and processed snacks won't bring you anything good.

2. Air.

You can live several weeks without food, several days without water, but you cannot live longer than 3-4 minutes without breathing. The oxygen in the air is needed in order to burn the food in our cells and get the necessary energy from it for life. And the only possible way to get oxygen is to breathe.

We must breathe freely and deeply. Moreover, it is important to breathe clean air. Maintain good posture so that the chest is deployed to facilitate breathing. Also, check if your workplace and bedroom are well ventilated in the house. Remember that if someone smokes indoors, then the one who breathes this air is also a “smoker”.

It is always a good idea to start your day with a few deep breaths in the open air. Take every opportunity to get out into nature and breathe deeply. Breathing is the main function of life. Our brains and our entire bodies function best when they breathe the cleanest air.

3. Water.

Water is a universal solvent for living matter. About 60% of our body is made up of water. The kidneys need water to filter blood and eliminate waste substances through urine; the digestive system needs water so that the faeces are not too dry or hard; the skin needs water to be elastic and healthy; and even bones must contain a sufficient proportion of water to maintain their elasticity and firmness.

We need to use water externally (for personal hygiene) as well as internally. Try to drink at least six glasses of water each day between meals (and more in the summer).

Drink two glasses before breakfast, making sure the water is not very cold. This will clear the stomach of all mucus that has accumulated during the night.

Drink one or two glasses before lunch.

And another one or two glasses before dinner.

Always choose water before other drinks.

When applied externally, the water has tremendous healing power, known since ancient times. Hydrotherapy can help or completely heal many diseases. Use the water as often as possible, even if it is a simple relaxation before bed in a hot sea salt bath.

4. The sun.

The sun is one of the most important sources of energy on our planet. The sun's rays are absolutely essential for life and health. Their action helps the skin to produce vitamin D. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun's rays can kill numerous pathological microbes. In addition, they stimulate all life processes and have a tonic effect on the entire body. Where the sun's rays peep, life and health always reign. Studies have shown that on cloudy winter days, the number of depression and nervous disorders increases.

However, you need to take precautions and control the duration of sunbathing. Since the ozone protective layer of the earth began to decrease, which led to an increase in solar radiation, it becomes dangerous to leave your body under the influence of the sun for too long. Make sure to use sunscreen and protect your skin. Also, good quality sunglasses are a must-have to protect your eyes.

5. Exercise.

Our body is made to move. In contrast to what is created by human hands, inaction leads our body to wear and tear. Studies have been conducted that have shown that a person running four times a week for forty minutes has the lowest risk of getting a heart attack or vascular disease. Exercise tackles high blood pressure, prevents obesity, and keeps the entire body in good shape.

The best physical exercise is walking, swimming and cycling in nature. Cycling is good for family recreation too. Just make sure to buy good quality kids bikes, and you are good to go!

6. Rest.

It is a known fact that most heart attacks occur between 9 and 12 pm. And in most cases, they occur after a busy day, during which a lot of coffee was drunk and an uncounted number of cigarettes were smoked - until the body exceeded its resistance limit. Our body needs rest.

We need to be sure that our sleep is restorative. When we sleep, neurons cleanse themselves of metabolic waste that has accumulated during the day. Sleep should be regular, and at least seven hours for adults. Make sure to have at least one free day per week, too. Read, walk, or just watch TV. It is important that your mind rests too. Regular rest is a good habit to keep us healthy.

7. Abstaining from toxins

Humans are the only creatures that, of their own free will, poison and destroy their health, through the use of various toxic substances. The harm caused by coffee, alcoholic beverages, smoking and dangerous drugs has been demonstrated more than once. If we want our mind to remain alive and healthy, we must avoid the use of any substance that could disrupt the delicate machinery of our brain. Artificial stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, etc.) force our body to work forcibly, which leads to its destruction and disease.

The use of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages is the leading preventable cause of disease worldwide. Health is simply incompatible with drug use, whether they are legal or not - there is no difference for our cells. Their use begins on the pretext of feeling good, but eventually they start to be accepted so as not to feel worse. Avoiding any toxic substances is one of the best decisions that can be made to maintain a happy and healthy life.

8. A good mood and spirit.

Get into the habit of taking everything calmly, not worrying about everything all the time, not holding grudges towards others or yourself, smiling confidently at any problems you have to face.

It has been demonstrated more than once that inner attitude, when mental balance is maintained, is an important factor for health. Did you know that some studies show that people who are depressed or in a bad mood are more likely to develop cancer?

To achieve this psychological calm in the midst of numerous problems and contradictions does not seem to be an easy task for our modern life. Many seek help in faith, a lot of people find peace in reading, and many find practising meditation to be like a glass of fresh water to their nervous system.

Confidence and faith can do a lot to gain a good inner mood, and the resulting spirit of calmness and peace is of great benefit in maintaining mental and physical health. A good inner mood and peace of mind are crucial for the good functioning of your body.


All the above components of health, together, are an excellent program for maintaining good physical and mental health. Make sure to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Follow our advice and stay safe. 

Sarah Jessica Smith

Sarah Jessica Smith

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