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The idea of a healthy and youthful appearance does involve a full head of hair. For centuries men have dealt with early age baldness, which has affected their overall appearance and their confidence.

This procedure is a good permanent answer to concerns of balding or having thin hair up top. It can help elevate your self-esteem. Keep in mind that this is a surgical procedure, therefore you should have a thorough discussion with your doctor about what to expect.


Hair transplantation is a surgical technique being practiced by dermatologists that removes hair follicles from a part of the body with healthy growth, called the ‘donor site,’ to a bald or balding part like scalp known as the ‘recipient site.’ The technique is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness. Follicular unit transplant (FUT), follicular unit extraction (FUE), or a combination of these techniques are performed. This depends on the individual requirement of patients.

At the first consultation, the surgeon will analyze the patient’s scalp, will discuss the patient’s preferences and expectations, and advise on the best approach and what results can be expected.


After the procedure the scalp may be very tender, and you may be prescribed a course of pain medication. The surgeon will bandage the scalp for a day or two and along with that, he may prescribe a course of anti-inflammatory or anti-biotic medicine for a safe recovery. Usually a patient can resume daily activities within the span of 2 – 5 days after the procedure.

It is expected the patient will see new hair growth within a few months after the surgery. Statics are that 60% of hair transplant patients will notice new hair growth from 6 – 9 months. To stimulate new hair growth the patient may be prescribed Minoxidil (Rogaine), however it is still unclear if it has any actual effect on the hair growth.


With every surgical procedure that are risk factors that can be seen after the procedure. Potential side effects of hair transplantation include:

· Infection or bleeding

This procedure involves making incisions in the skin, therefore there is chance of an infection or excessive bleeding. The risk of infection can be handled, with the use of prescribed anti-biotic.

· Scarring

There is a risk of scarring on both the donor area and the transplant area. The scarring is more prevalent in the FUSS method, because it involves removing a strip of the scalp, leaving a linear scar.

In some cases, a patient may have raised bumps around the transplanted hair. As the hair grows back, it may hide these bumps.

· Pain and swelling

Many patients complain about experiencing pain after the procedure. The surgeon usually prescribes a course of pain relief drug to help with this issue. There is also some swelling around the head and face during the healing process.

Regardless, it is advised that all interested patients should have a detailed discussion on the potential side effects of the procedure before opting for it.


A hair transplant surgery gives your continual baldness or hair loss a reasonable solution. If done by a qualified professional this will satisfy you as the best hair transplant surgery in lahore, Pakistan. The surgery will make your life change a 180 degrees, it will definitely make you feel pleased and increase your confidence because the hairs that have been reconditioned would give you a natural luscious appearance. The main point to remember is that the transplanted hair have an unchanging life. You only need to invest in this procedure once and baldness is history.  

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