Definition of Web Development and Development Process
Definition and development process of website development?
Web development is the process of creating a new website or implementing changes to a website already in use, for example, adding a substantial new section to a live website.
In simple terms, this process describes a framework within which all activities, from inception to review, can take place, as if you want to know more Website development company in Pakistan.
These are a few steps in the development process. These steps are
Planning: Decide why you want to build a website and what you want to create.
Content: Create a list of the content of your own choice or that type of content you want. Create a list The content you want.
Design: Create a design that displays the content. Create a design for displaying the content.
Build: Create a design for displaying the content. Write the code and load your content.
Test: Test. Make sure the whole thing is working properly.
Hosting: Choose a domain name according to your need and find a place to put your site on the internet. Choose a domain name and find a place to put your site on the internet.
Publicity: Generate traffic by publicizing the site. Generate traffic by promoting your website.
Review: Review the website at regular intervals to ensure that it is successful. Review the website at intervals to make sure it is successful.
Yes of course, website development is not just for fun, it has to be initiated in some way.
As you can see from the above, the development process takes place within the context of business goals and user needs. It is that the initiate and guide, sequence of planning, design, content, etc. Until you explore your goals and users, your website simply found or has no reason to be existent.
Therefore, the first step in creating your website is to decide why you want it, who you are, and what you are doing with it.
Before you start website development
Although website development involves a series of quiet professional activities, the process underneath it is the same as any other project. It requires a team to carry out the work Science Articles , a timeframe to operate and a set of resources to maintain i.
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