There are many people who are concerned about ocular treatments for conditions such as hyphema, glaucoma, and corneal burn. Most of these conditions require extensive treatment, including surgery, to improve them. Few people with these conditions who have concerns about the treatment offered by their healthcare provider may benefit from PEMF therapy.
Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields (PEMF) uses electrical energy to focus a series of magnetic pulses that stimulate small electrical signals to stimulate cell repair through damaged tissue.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has proven to help people with glaucoma. In a study of the effects of these treatments on the blood circulation of people with early and advanced latent glaucoma, it was seven minutes of treatment per session, for a total of ten sessions. More than 150 patients saw more than 283 eyes showing positive effects and increased blood flow, indicating that PEMF eye treatment was effective for people with glaucoma.
Another study on very-low-frequency PEMF therapy for alkaline burns on the cornea showed positive effects on the treatment and the therapeutic effect. The participants in the study were 56 rabbits divided into four groups.
The group classified as ELF 2, a thirty-minute therapy twice a day at a 2mT concentration, the other group, the ELF 5 group, received 30-minute treatment twice a day at a 5-minute concentration of medical therapy (MT). And control of closing categories.
The trial period was 14 days during the initial examination and digital corneal imaging and on days 2, 7, and 14. Upon completion of the study, rabbits were sterilized and histopathology was required. rate Eye-affected animals. Clinical and histopathological results were compared in all four groups.
The results showed that low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field treatment produced significantly fewer defects in the MT group, as well as less keratocyte loss. Thus, this proves that this non-invasive treatment of corneal burns is remarkably effective for therapeutic and therapeutic purposes for eye conditions.
Another assessment was performed using a well-defined rabbit model with hyphema to evaluate the effects of PEMF treatment. Sixteen eye total tests were divided into two groups, which were treated in a 10mT postoperative state, and 20mT in 4 separate days for sixty minutes a day.
The study also included a control group with hyphema only and a group without hyphema but with PEMF radiation. Daily absorption rates were recorded and histopathological assessments were performed in this study. The damage to endothelial cells was reduced as well as reduced fibrotic blockage.
Although the dissolution time was not significantly different among any group, there was evidence that PEMF ophthalmic treatment had a positive effect. It is positive and effective in eye injury and inflammation when used as an adjuvant treatment.
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